I decided to start Snatched because I had hit a wall with my workout regimen and needed a good kick in the pants to get me motivated. Boy did I get one! MFF was super challenging and kept me sweating buckets throughout the entire six weeks. Not only did I get a kick-ass workout but I also had Mark and the rest of my group there to motivate and support me in the studio. Beyond that, Mark was available 24/7 for anything that I needed – especially with nutritional issues, which was the biggest thing that I took away during the six week class. I had never tried counting my caloric intake and was shocked to find out the results and how easy it was to track and maintain. Overall, I feel that I now have a solid workout routine that will keep producing results, filled with a variety of affective exercise that I can perform safely. Snatched was everything I wanted and needed it to be and more. You’ll definitely see me back there again!