Testimonial: “I Got One Fucked the Fuck Up Body”

At 32 years old I found myself at my heaviest ever, 207.5 pounds and a 44-inch waist.  I have early arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, I’m hyper-extensive, flat footed, I had Osgood-Schlatter Syndrome as a teenager, which did a number on my knees.  I’ve fractured an ankle, I’ve injured my back, separated a shoulder, and spent the first couple years of my life in first position, literally, as a baby I slept with shoes on and my parents tied them together so that, hopefully, my legs would grow straight.  Translation: I got one fucked the fucked up body.  And then my friend Angela introduced me to this crazy brilliant mo-fo Mark Fisher.

In the past I’ve tried out those various exercise DVDs advertised on TV but I’d never really stuck with a fitness routine because a) I get bored or distracted b) I get disheartened because I’m not able to do certain things c) some of the simplest exercises are too difficult or cause shooting pain.  There are some great programs out there, and I’m sure that folks have had great results with them.  But what Mark Fisher has been able to do for me, no celebrity fitness “expert” on a DVD could ever do.  Mark worked WITH me.  Mark helped me learn what my body IS capable of doing.  Mark has shown me to listen to and love my body, to respect my journey.  Mark has taught me patience.  Mark customized his exercises to suit my needs as well as my shortcomings. Mark watches me like a hawk and won’t allow me to do anything other than proper form.  Because I’m hyper-extensive, what feels proper to me isn’t.  Working with Mark is literally like learning how to walk again, only I never really knew I wasn’t walking correctly in the first place.  Tell me, what DVD program is capable of making THAT kind of specialized impact?

After finishing my first round of Snatched in Six Weeks with Mark Fisher – I have upper body strength for the first time since I separated my shoulder YEARS ago.  I have core stability for the first time.  My back isn’t as swayed.  I’m beginning to walk more normal.  I swear I’m taller.  I live with less pain.  My respiratory system is stronger, my heart is stronger …

OH … and did I mention that I’ve lost almost SIX INCHES off my middle.  SIX INCHES, y’all!!

Mark Fisher has facilitated this change in my life.  Not only is he a fun & crazy guy who keeps every class interesting, but everything he does in class is medically sound.  This man has shown me such love, patience and support over these last months.  Now that I’m healthier and have built up my endurance I cannot WAIT to see what kind of craziness is in store for me in my SECOND round of Snatched.

Yes … Mark Fisher is capable of making you HOTTER … but more importantly what Mark provides is HEALTH!

JULY 31, 2011 SEPT 11, 2011

207.5 lbs 204.5 lbs

44” waist 38.5” waist

Neal Hunter Hyde


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