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Read the latest MFF news
The MFF Ninja Book Club is led by guest Ninja Danielle Azoulay.
At MFF, we get people healthy and hot.  We use the most progressive training and nutrition strategies in the industry to blow people’s damn minds with consistent, dramatic results.  This is super fun, cuz we like people, and we like hotness, and we like watching people achieve their first six-pack, or drop a dress size, or send pictures of themselves in a string bikini to their ex-husband.
a guest post from one of our most esteemed SuperNinjas, the inimitable Stella Kaufman
Cross-posted as a guest article on the Brooke Stone Lifestyle Management blog.
by Ninja Master Mark Fisher I.  Am a fucking lunatic.  Seriously. 
by Ninja Master Mark Fisher As loyal readers and Ninjas know, we’re kind of obsessed with getting better at MFF.  We read a fuck ton of books, blogs, and websites, we go to weekend seminars, and we have long, geeky conversations where we use science-y terms like “reciprocal inhibition,” “stretch shortening cycle,” and “dragon semen.”  
And now, a guest post by Brooke Stone.  Click here to visit Brooke Stone Lifestyle Management: “Live your life. Let us do the rest.”
A guest post by Fitness Ninja/Bodywork Wizard John O’Mahoney
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