Self-Sabotaging? Here is what you MUST know

Before you start reading… stick around until the end! I have something super cool to share with you.

Many of you know me as the leader and creator of Soul Body System here at MFF. You may know me as the natural weight-loss lady or the food and body freedom lady, but today I wanted to introduce you to and go deep with a topic SUPER near and dear to my heart that could create a big ole’ breakthrough for you. Self-sabotage.

The first time I recognized my own self-sabotage, the stakes were damn high.

After fifteen years of dreaming, training and finally pursuing a career in performing (with the end goal of hitting it big on Broadway), I turned down an audition with one of the most powerful Broadway casting directors in New York for a project I desperately wanted.

In the moment of turning that audition down, I was blind to the fact that my saboteur was in control. I justified, complained, and protected myself right out of an arena I had been working for years just to enter.

I came to realize, of course, that my sabotage hadn’t started with that audition. I had been sabotaging myself in myriad ways for much of my life. It was evident in my relationship with food, in my obsessive need to control the size of my thighs, in how I related to money, in how I operated in my personal relationships. I never quite felt the way I craved to feel, and it grew scarier by the day, because I was becoming comfortable with that.

I was becoming “okay” living in the gray.

The Broadway example may have been the most stark and extreme, and hallelujah for that, because otherwise I never would have been able to recognize when my saboteur is in the room with me, and therefore I would have been hijacked much more often over the last 10 years.

I never would have done a TedX talk on this very topic.

I never would have found the path of a health and life coach that brings me insane amounts of fulfillment and joy.

I never would have come to see something crucially important, that would change the course of my life.

  1. My pain and stuckness was a path toward my wisdom.
  2. Confronting my self-sabotage head on was a catalyst for higher consciousness.
  3. With higher consciousness came new momentum.
  4. New momentum created new results (that seemed previously impossible)

Sabotaging ourselves, grounding ourselves when we long to fly bigger and higher and expand further, is a special kind of pain, a special kind of stuckness. If I hadn’t shot myself in the foot time and time again and felt the contraction that created in my body and soul, I would never have started to break free.

Over time, I started to see my internal saboteur as a gift.

Without her, I am not sure I would have ever bothered to investigate my own internal world.

If you are a living, breathing human, you have undoubtedly sabotaged yourself. In fact, you may be actively sabotaging yourself right now.

Maybe it is showing up in how you binge or restrict with food, leaving you ashamed AND hungry all at the same time.

Maybe it is showing up in how you hide from romantic relationships.

Maybe it is showing up in giving 70% in your career instead of going all the way.

Maybe it is showing up in what you have chosen to do with your one life (that we know of) here on this Earth.

It may be all of the above!

Welcome to being human. You are not alone.

The problem with sabotage is that we are hijacked by it—it doesn’t usually feel like a choice. It feels like the sabotage is choosing us. Because it is. And the more we resist it and shove it down, the more it grows in power.

We may even despise and resent this force and assume that it is out to destroy us, to seal the deal on a life of struggle and mediocrity. But it actually has a very different motive, and the discovery of that motive can unlock a whole new world of possibilities. Your sabotage may be a gift in some strange wrapping paper.

It may be the path BACK to yourself and your own power.

If you are ready to finally break through self-sabotage in 2017, if you are ready to let go of being “okay with the gray” and experience a whole new set of results,  I am offering a deep dive and intensive weekend experience to help you do JUST this.

Those of you that are familiar with my Soul Body System program know I have moved to DC, so right now this is the only possibility to work with me in person. It may be our only chance for a while!

Soul Body Breakthrough
March 3-5, 2017 at MFF Hell’s Kitchen
Click here for more info and to register

Not sure? If you want to meet me in person, learn more about your own sabotage and just see what all the hullabaloo is about, come to my super informative FREE mini-workshop, where you will learn all about the motives of your saboteur and get some tips for how to experience a whole new level of empowerment.

The Secrets in Your Sabotage Workshop
Sunday, February 5, 2017 from 1:30 – 3:00 pm
The Snatchery at MFF Hell’s Kitchen
Click here for more info and to register

Be there. I can’t wait to see you!

Rock On & Be Well,

Beth Clayton is the creator of Soul Body System at Mark Fisher Fitness, leading hundreds of Ninjas toward finding more freedom in their relationship with food and their bodies. She is a unique hybrid of soul, body, and life coach and loves to help open-hearted people break free from the “shoulds,” out-dated thought patterns, and conditioning so they can deepen their relationship with their own soul’s intuition, speak their truth, and fulfill their authentic desires. You can check her out at


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