Profiles in Glory!

Ladies and Gentleman of the Ninja Clubhouse, I have the great honor to introduce you to MFF’s newest Fitness Ninja/ Rockstars, the amazing Stephanie Wilberding and Amanda Wheeler!

Stephanie and Amanda are total badasses, and I’m OBSESSED with them.  Let’s take an opportunity to find out a bit more about then and work on our friendships, shall we?

Name:  Steph Wilberding

Hometown:  Piqua, Ohio – about 30 minutes north of Dayton, Ohio.

Fitness Background:  That’s just it…my fitness was always in the background…until my 30’s when I realized…I can totally do this…I packed it on with the choices I made…I choose to take it off…all off!!!!!!!! And this worked for a while…then I turned to insanity…not the workout video (but yes, I’ve done that, too)…but for real insanity – I kept doing the same things over and over expecting a different outcome…hello!!! Truth be told, I had no idea what to do…and then I got Snatched! From the moment I read my first email from Mark Fisher I knew (whether I liked it or not at the time) that my body and my health HAD to give up background work and step into a principal role. I needed new tools and Mark help me find them and rediscover the ones I already had that I just needed to dusted off. And now I have the privilege to help others do the same thing. I am proud to be on this team! THANK YOU MARK FISHER!!!!!!

What drew you to MFF’s style of crazytown?  You walk in the front door and every quirk, trait, and nuance that makes you YOU is 100% celebrated. MFF is a place where laughter and sweat compete for screen time and in the end…the health and hotness of our Ninjas is at the TOP of the list…all the while embracing the land of rainbows, unicorns, and ridiculousness…how could I not be drawn? Crazytown is populated with Ninjas that are constantly trying to get better…1% every day! Did I mention we laugh a lot?!

What are you most excited about now that you’re living dreams in the Clubhouse? To know that every time I walk in the Clubhouse I will witness betterment. To know that my journey and skills can be used to help others pave their own individual roads to GLORY! To know that I am in “the arena” with others that have my back NO MATTER WHAT, everyday, because we are all there trying our hardest to Get. Better. Every. Day.

I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!

What’s one fun fact we’d never guess about you?  At 13 years old I was was one for the Top 10 Free Throw Shooters in Ohio as competitor in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition…ALL NET BABY!!!!!!!!!!


Name: Amanda Larraine Wheeler

Hometown: North Branch, MI (actually a village, no stoplights, 4 churches, 2 gas stations, mostly dirt roads, farms, hunters, and closeted gays)

Fitness Background: I started playing sports at age 5 and was a year round athlete through out high school, focusing mainly in basketball. After tearing my ACL and meniscus my senior year and sweeping my dreams of dunking on Lisa Leslie under the rug, I started lifting weights. I got my first PT certification in 2006 and started working at Bally Total Fitness (On Friday nights, undercover cops would be stationed in the men’s locker room to catch the sauna circle jerkers – way to ruin the fun!!). After being there for a year, I was offered the opportunity to help create a PT program at the Metro Detroit YMCA. I jumped on it, and around the same time I made the transition to the YMCA, I found Crossfit. I immediately fell in love with the competitive (with yourself) aspect and started learning as much as I could. Within two years, I opened New Species Athletics in Royal Oak, MI with a partner and started doing Crossfit full time. After moving to NY in late 2011, I jumped into a ton of classes all over the city, but have yet to find anything that compares to MFF, and I’m STOKED that this is my fitness present.

What drew you to MFF’s style of crazytown? If by crazytown you mean such an intense awesome that I have to wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from the rays of pure magic that shine out of everyones ass, then I guess you could say I was drawn in. What’s not to love?! Ninjas, unicorns, mangina, dance parties, costumes, serious fitness, name game, drag queens, Mark’s hair, the hottest gay trainer in NYC, serious fitness, porn star, jock straps, theater, shake weight soft tissue, and serious fitness.

What are you most excited about now that you’re living dreams in the Clubhouse? I’m most excited to meet every ninja and to dive in to the incredible community that we have!

What’s one fun fact we’d never guess about you? I was the homecoming queen (please refer back to “hometown”).

There you have it all!  Check out these superheroes on the May schedule to sample a sweet taste of their coaching genius.  Much like Carnation Instant Breakfast, you’re gonna love ‘em in an instant!


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