Meet the Meat: Erin Thompson

Ladies!  Gentleman!  Non-human readers!  I’d like to take moment of your time to acquaint you with our newest MFF team member, Erin Thompson!  Although Erin has been teaching some yoga classes for us for many months, she’s recently joined our team full time.  And because there’s nothing we like better at MFF than working on our friendships, let’s find out a little bit about our newest Fitness Ninja!


MF: Erin!  Would you be so kind as to tell our readers a bit about yourself?

imageET: In a nutshell, I’m your classic case of Midwest gal with starry eyes for the big city. (Check out the MFF website for a detailed bio!)  I did a show with Mark in Chicago a few years back, and had a background teaching yoga. When I moved to NYC two years ago, a friend from the theater community encouraged me to join the team at Flywheel Studios teaching Flybarre, and it was there that my fitness journey truly began. Even though I’ve taught yoga since 2005, I learned WORLDS about what it is to teach the New York community (which requires a very different approach than the Midwest). I became increasingly curious about continuing my education in anatomy, exercise science, etc. so as to become a more versatile teacher.  I kept hearing about MFF, so I came to see what all the fuss was about at this crazy Clubhouse my friend Mark created, and I was immediately hooked. I knew in my heart that I had to be a part of the mission and the community that Mark created. I began by teaching some of the yoga classes at the Clubhouse this summer, and around that time I was extremely fortunate to be awarded a scholarship from Career Transitions for Dancers to study with the National Academy of Sports Medicine for my formal certification as a Personal Trainer. The rest is history!

MF: So what was it that convinced you that riding the unicorn was irresistible?   What about MFF allowed me to steal you away from your other gigs (mwahahaha)?

ET: Haha Mark! I love it. What seduced me to hop on the wild unicorn that is MFF? Let’s just say that I have been both a teacher and a student at many lovely fitness facilities between Chicago and New York, but never have I seen such a successful collective of people who are so authentic in their technical knowledge, while still having such genuine care for the well-being of all involved in the mission of MFF (and quite frankly, while still having so much fucking fun)! There is something truly special happening at Mark Fisher Fitness. Mark, Michael, and the entire team are making a huge contribution to the community; it’s tangible, and I’m nothing less than inspired and energized to be around people who pursue their mission with such passion. They have created a home for anyone who wishes to evolve as a ridiculous human. In that kind of environment, anything is possible. I believe in what they are doing, so it never feels like a “job” or “work”. It feels like home.

MF: GOSH, thanks!  (Also, please forgive me for using the word “gosh” non-ironically.) We’re super stoked to have someone on the team with your diverse background.  Can you tell us how you think your background in many fitness modalities will be helpful in making Ninjas healthy and hot?

ET: First of all, I approach this answer humbly, as I believe the MFF team to be the best in the city, and am in awe of getting to collaborate with them on a daily basis. If I am to be extremely honest, I’ve learned that any exercise modality I have explored always comes down to PEOPLE and how you communicate with them.  I think, more than any book I read or educational certification I took before MFF, my previous teaching experience gave me a safe “rehearsal space” to learn, fall on my face, listen, watch, and figure out how to communicate ideas to a wider audience. Having an authentic reservoir of knowledge is important and essential (you can’t skip the technical skill and education), but it is the nuanced interactions with people—striving to understand what they need in that moment or in that class, and how you can communicate to them in a way that they relate and feel seen and heard—that’s the art.  I’ve had a lot of great mentors everywhere I’ve taught. I’m excited to continue that journey at MFF, with such a phenomenal team!

MF:  Fuck yes!!  Welcome aboard Erin!!


I can say without a doubt I am fucking HONORED to work with the ridiculous humans who comprise MFF’s Team.  It takes a special person to be ferociously driven towards continuing education and technical excellence while still being kind and RIDICULOUS.  We are so excited to take our training and loving skillz to the next level in 2013, and we are soooo happy to have Erin onboard.  Come and check out her class and welcome her to the family!


Let’s get to know each other and see how we can help you!

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