Snatched in 6 Weeks June/July!!

It is with epic joy that I announce the dates for my next session of The “Snatched in 6 Weeks” Total Body Makeover.  Over the past few months this class has brought me more happiness than I can tell you, and the response from participants has been humbling and overwhelming.  If you’re ready to make this the hottest summer of your life… email me ASAP.  And a word to the wise, it may literally sell out by the end of the day, so if you’re down for it, email me this second.

Make this the summer you’re finally psyched to take your shirt off on the beach!!!  Proudly wear a skirt so short it pisses your dad off!!! Walk into the bar like you own the damn place only to have the music stop while everyone does a slow take to appreciate your beautifully sculpted, yet powerful and functional glutes!!!!!

Details are below!

Mark Fisher Presents

The “Snatched in 6 Weeks” Total Body Makeover!


– 6 weeks of 3 evening fitness classes at a dance studio in midtown ($510 value)

– Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 530pm and 630pm sessions

– The class will take place at Roy Arias Studios (on W 43rd St, just west of 8th Ave)

– First class is June 13th, last class is Thursday, July 21st

– NO CLASS ON MONDAYJULY 4th, class will only meet on Tuesday and Thursday that week

– Free pre-makeover training session (so I can assess you and teach you basic exercise technique) ($90 value)

– Complete nutritional counseling and eBook ($47 value)

– Daily email support and education ($90 value)

– 24/7 text/email/phone access to my fitness knowledge, passion, and insanity (priceless)

– Optional add-on weekly personal training session (for $60/hr instead of the usual $90)

– Before and After Pic Contest; WINNER GETS THEIR MONEY BACK!

Snatched in 6 Weeks is designed so that you become an expert in your own health and hotness. My goal is to do my job so well that you never need my services again.  Sure, if you want some program design, or if you want to keep taking class with me, right on.  But by the end of the class you’ll know all the nuts and bolts of combining training and nutrition for your particular lifestyle and body type to get the best possible results.  While I’m always happy to answer questions… I promise, by the end of Snatched, you’ll know 98% of what you need to know to live a life of health and hotness.

But don’t take my word for it!!!

“Snatched is the only place to go when you are looking for individual attention, in a class setting, from a fitness professional who cares more about your health than your mother.  Not only do you get a workout that makes you sweat and your heart-rate rise, you get the support of fellow ninjas who are on the same journey as you.   To say this class is well rounded is putting it mildly.  It’s full body, full mind and full soul.  If you want the body of your dreams, stop dreaming and take action!!  Mark is your number one fan through it all.  His daily emails force you to wake up and re-think the life you’re currently living.  His tips on what to eat, when to eat it and why you need to eat it are what others forget to tell you.  You’ll never feel judged….just loved.  Really, really loved. I refuse to think of my life without Mark in it everyday.  He’s changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.  I feel stronger, happier and healthier.  My confidence and knowledge of my body has grown exponentially.  Could I have done this on my own?  NEVER!  Mark is the one who forced me to look at myself and recognize the hotness within.  Become a ninja yourself and allow Mark to show you just what your hotness can be.”

– Michael DiLiberto – Class Member, Warrior

“I’ve always been totally intimidated by exercise due to body issues (translated: Will I be the chunky-monkey in the room?) and because I’ve always been fairly uncoordinated. Mark’s class is the first time I’ve ever looked forward to working out.  His energy and obvious love for a healthier and hotter life through fitness is wickedly addictive and I feel sexier and more positive in just a few sessions than I have in years.  I feel secure pushing my body towards new challenges because Mark’s rabid dog attention to detail lets me know when I’m straying away from the proper form.  When I nail a new exercise, his genuine praise of my success is the best thing ever.  If you’ve always wanted to get in better shape, but have been afraid or unsure how to start, I think now’s the time and Mark’s the place!”

– Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons – Class Member, Ninja, WINNER OF THE 1ST SNATCHED!

“I’ve seen immediate results since beginning classes with the incredible Mark Fisher.  Mark’s style combines constant encouragement and personal attention within the group setting so you truly get the best of both worlds.   Not only that, his results-based philosophy means you train Smarter not Harder so instead of the normal bootcamp style nausea I leave class feeling energized and powerful.  Basically, Mark Fisher is the bomb and you should sign up for this class Right Now!”

– Ben Sands – Class Member, Super Hero

“I hate working out.  No joke, I’ve never liked it and I’ve never stuck with it long enough to notice a real change in my body.  How Mark managed to keep me excited, focused and motivated throughout the Bootcamp process is a mystery to me.  But he did it!  I began to notice a change in my body after only a week and the knowledge I gained (regarding my workouts and overall nutrition), I will take with me forever.”

-Max Von Essen, Great American Citizen

One Personal Training Session in NYC costs as much as 150 dollars or more.  Most commercial gyms sell packages of 10 sessions for somewhere between 800 and 1200 dollars.  If you want to train with one of the higher tier trainers at Equinox, you actually have to sign your contract in blood. And to state the obvious, the training and expertise of commercial gym trainers can be… inconsistent.

The true street value of all the elements of Snatched separately would put the cost at almost $800.  And that’s IF you didn’t take advantage of the discount for add on personal training.

The total fee for all of the above is $499.  Additionally, you will receive 50 dollars back for every referral (only people who have not trained with me previously), so feel free to forward this far and wide.  Fitness is more fun with friends anyway.  To reserve a spot in the class, I will need a $200 deposit by June 1st, and then the remainder of the fee will be due on the first class.  (And if you stop eating out all the time you’ll easily save the money you’re spending on this class. 😉  I’m just being honest because I love you.)

(NOTE: For those of you paying eagle eye attention, this is the last time the class will be offered at the 499 rate.  Because I have to pay sales tax (cuz I’m mad legit playa), the next session will see a modest price increase of 25 dollars to offset the sales tax cost.  SO if you wanna save a few more beans, sooner is better than later!)

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL:  And, if you commit by May 1st, you get all of the above for $449.  So if you refer 2 friends and pay the deposit by the 1st… now we’re talking less than 60 bucks a week to get your best body ever and become your own expert in health and hotness.  WTF!?  Stooooopid value.

AND, once you’ve done the Full Snatched Experience, you will be eligible to do future sessions at the discounted alumni rate should you wish to have more affordable fitness class fun!!!


This class is NOT for everyone.  This is going to be an intense all – out – in – it – to – win – it 6 weeks of intense training and eating right to get you your best body ever.  While I will meet with anyone, please understand I can’t allow people to take the class if my professional discretion leads me to believe they’re asking to get an injury.  If you are severely overweight or out of shape, you should meet with me ASAP.  If you sign up and we meet in the next couple of weeks, there would still be time for us to get you physically prepared for this adventure.  If I don’t meet with you till right before class is scheduled to start, it will probably be too late to get to where you need to be to participate safely in the class.

I only want people in the class who are ready to get in the best shape of their lives.  If you won’t have the discipline to eat the way you need to or train consistently, no problem.  But if you have been frustrated with your physique, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE REAL CHANGE.  No more excuses.  Commit to 6 weeks and finally make your dream physique a reality.


Let’s get to know each other and see how we can help you!

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