Rob Fortier: A Snatched in 6 Weeks Hero!

Let’s snuggle up by the fire and take a look at one of our most recent Tales of Glory!  This past round of Snatched was the biggest yet, and the Ninjas kiiiiilled it.  Never before did we see so many jaw-dropping before and after pictures!  As fiercely competitive as the contest was, ultimately there could be only one.

Ladies and Gentleman; I give you…


“Before I started at Mark Fisher Fitness, I hadn’t had a regular exercise routine in over 20 years (and believe me, I’d tried so many other programs that I just couldn’t stick to).  In the 6 weeks of Snatched, I lost 12 pounds and 3 inches off my waist.  I’ve also gained the tools and the confidence to stay on this amazing healthy glittery rainbow path for the rest of my life.  Thank you Mark Fisher Fitness!”

Rob!  You are a fucking stud and you inspire us with your fitness bad-assery!

As the Snatched in 6 Weeks Total Body Makeover moves into its third year, we look forward to implementing several tweaks into the program to make it even MORE effective!  By integrating the many lessons learned from over 300 Snatchings and applying the most cutting edge strategies in health and hotness, Snatched in 2013 will reflect yet another step forward in turning every day mortals into fitness Ninjas.

In spite of adding a sixth session to accommodate the ever-growing demand for Snatched glory, the first round of Snatched for 2013 is already almost sold out.  To book one of the few remaining spots for the next round or to get on a wait list, click here right this second!


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