I Swear On My Life This Is Not Photo Shopped

Alright friends.  Time to lust over some serious fitness glory.

Ladies and gents, meet Kevin Thomas Garcia.  Kevin is a shining example of what you can do when you put your mind to it and get after it.  These days MFF is pretty well known for our “Snatched in 6 Weeks” Total Body Makeover.  But the reality is, it just doesn’t work for everyone’s schedule.  Kevin is walking hotness proof that our one-on-one (and now semi-private) training can also make your fitness dreams come true!

“Mark Fisher is fucking INSANE!

I avoided getting a trainer at my fancy gym because I hate being sold bullshit.  I kept hearing Mark’s name in my circle of friends, and I saw the rather RIDICULOUS results that people were getting, so I had to know the secret.

When I met Mark, I didn’t know what to make of him; he was out going, talked like a trucker, had energy out the ass and REALLY knew what he was talking about.  He also asked me what my fitness goals were, to which I only replied, “I wanna be hot!”

I thought I knew my way around the gym, but the truth is, the workouts that I was doing were not cutting it.  I was wasting my time and getting fatter. Mark takes the time to teach you the safe way to lift and the best way to get results.  I took to the training rather fast, but the diet seemed like a deal breaker until I actually started following it.  It is less of a diet and more of a way of eating.  You don’t actually want for anything, you just have to be smart about it.

My whole life, I have been the chubby kid.  “Chubbers” was my nickname on the swim team and, through out my performing career, I got tired of getting fat notes from stage managers and directors.  Mark single handedly changed my life!  In the few months that we have been working together, I have dropped 27 pounds, 3 jean sizes and I pretty much had to buy a completely new wardrobe. …  Oh, and I am not done yet!”

Awesome work Kevin!!  You worked your ass off and deserve your chiseled chest, waspish waist, and muscular v-shape!  I sincerely hope you are borderline naked for Halloween.  It has been an honor to work with you, and I can’t wait to see how far we can take your physique!!

For more info about one-on-one and semi-private training with MFF, check out our rates below and shoot us an email at tellmemore@wordpress-562750-2570978.cloudwaysapps.com!


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