And the Winner of the October/November Snatched Is…


A True American Hero

From Day 1, it was clear that Ash was going to make a strong showing.  That said, it was also clear that, with the largest and most dedicated round of Snatcheders ever, anything could happen.  I can honestly say this was far and away the hardest decision we’ve ever had to make.  The ninjas fucking KILLED it.  But much like the Highlander, there can be only one.  And Ash’s pictures are raaaather impressive…

“OK, Ladies and Gents…Here’s all you need to know about “Snatched” and Mark Fisher Fitness: IT WORKS!!!  6 weeks ago I was invisible in this city.  Grossly overweight, I had long ago accepted that this is just how my body was going to look.  I had given up.  A close (HOT) friend of mine listened to me complain over dinner about my non-existent love life, and after about 10 mins of self-loathing, he told me “you need to get SNATCHED!!!”  So I emailed Mark that night, and within a day I was enrolled in the October session…  Little did I know how that night would change my life.  In 6 weeks, I lost 21lbs, 7 inches off my waist, 3 inches off my hips, 3 inches off my chest, and 2 inches off my neck!!!  No BS!  That’s exactly what happened.  Snatched is not a diet…it’s FUN, it pushes you, it builds you up, and it empowers you.  Mark gives you 5 easy things that you must do in order to change your body.  I promise you, if you do them every day for 6 SHORT weeks…you will achieve GLORY.  I am forever in debt to Mark, and his amazing team Kyle, Brian, and Jenna.  Why waste another second of your life looking mediocre?  GET SNATCHED!!!!”

On behalf of the MFF Team, we want to congratulate Ash and all the other Snatcheders for making our lives so awesome.  Thank you for getting after it, and thank you for inspiring us.  We can’t wait to see how far y’all can take it!!

If you think you’re up for the “Snatched in 6 Weeks” Total Body Makeover, email us at, and we’ll put you on the special early announcement list!  Now that MFF will be living year round fitness dreams in the Ninja Clubhouse, Snatched will have very limited availability, so make sure you’re on this list if you want in on all the sexy action!


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