It’s that time again! The lovely Siren here to give voice to all your amazing suggestions. This month’s top contenders were:
“What’s up with the Dragon’s Lair?”
- The new floor is coming along swimmingly. Currently, we are track for semi-privates to return to the Dragon’s Lair on Monday, Dec. 22! Huzzah!
“Is it possible to ask Ninjas not to use the bathroom (especially the upstairs Clubhouse one) to change and freshen up in between classes? Ninjas gotta pee!”
- Sure we can! We’ll add some signs to gently remind Ninjas to use the changing booths (or common spaces) to get naked, and save restroom time for more biological pursuits.
“We want S’mores Quest Bars!”
- They have arrived, and they are DELICIOUS!
“Gently urge Ninjas as they are waiting for class to be quiet as the class before is cooling down.”
- It’s totally understandable that Ninjas get excited when they arrive at the Enchanted Ninja Clubhouse of Glory and Dreams, but we certainly will add some reminders to the announcements occasionally. And, feel free to kindly urge your fellow Ninjas to use their inside voices when classes are swimming with the dolphins.
“PLEASE supply the Dragon Lair with the Versa Gripps, as the one that have been there have gone missing. And…we need more than one pair!”
- That shit has been ordered. BOOM!
“Topless class with Matt Wilson?”
- You want Matt topless or the class topless? Either way, sure.