Snatched in 6 Weeks July/August Before and After Picture Contest Winner!

Ladies and gentleman… behold, the latest round of Snatched in 6 Weeks Glory!


“Almost 2 years ago I tore the meniscus in my knee during a show (not long after I completed a few very popular at home exercise programs… but that’s another story). After physical therapy I found it difficult to find an exercise regime that was effective and still gentle on my knee. For a while I gave up searching for a solution. I started hearing myself say ‘Oh… I can’t… I have a bad knee.’ One of the things that first struck me about Snatched was the fact that a lot of the moves we do, especially in the warm up, are the same moves that I did during my knee rehab. It’s a gentle way to wake up your body and mind to prepare them to move. Snatched puts quality over quantity, technique over getting tired, and beauty of movement over blindly moving. You’ll see a difference in every aspect of your life. From picking up a barbell to do a deadlift, to picking up a piece of paper on the floor.  Snatched sets you up to keep getting better and better no matter what exercise you’re doing. WERK!!!!”

Jamal.  You’re a fucking stud and you make us all proud!!  On behalf of everyone at MFF, congratulations and thank you for riding the unicorn with so much honor!

It’s not too late for you dearest reader.  Check out our brand new Snatched in 6 Weeks availability HERE.  See ya at the Clubhouse soon!


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