Meet the Meat: Kyle Young

Ladies and gentlemen, the MFF Family has birthed another glistening, glorious unicorn into our midst. Lay down the Twister mat, strip down to the tasteful undergarment of your choice, and let’s welcome Chief Operating Officer Kyle Young into our writhing nest of Ninja love!

What’s the Kyle Young story?

Oh, jeez! That epic tale is still a work in progress, and the narrative is a bit tricky to follow. In brief, I was a sweet chubby kid in Houston, Texas who picked flowers in the outfield during tee-ball and was much more at home on the stage or doing puppet shows.

I’ve been a magazine editor, a radio DJ and voice-over artist, a Disney World cast member, and years ago I worked on Prince’s website. I didn’t get paid. They just sent me free crap and I would get random calls to meet Prince in an AOL chat room to talk about God.

Thirteen years ago, I moved to NYC to do marketing for shows on the Great White Way. Then, almost three years ago, I came across this bizarre gym on Facebook. They had just opened their doors and had a 6-week program called Snatched. After years of an on-again, off-again relationship with the gym, I figured I’d try out this crazy place. They had rainbows and unicorns. So, that seemed different. It was. And, now, they just can’t get rid of me, so they decided to pay me and give me name tag.

So, that’s a terribly abbreviated life story. I’m not sure quite how to weave in the rest. I have a super-cute wire-haired wiener dog. I have a weakness for margaritas and Tex-Mex. I’m a Pisces. When I was seven years old, Bing Crosby called me on the phone to wish me a happy birthday. I couldn’t speak, because it was like getting a call from Santa or God or something. I’m single, gentlemen. Just sayin’. I love to play with the lights in the Dragon’s Lair (and have an app on my phone, so can change them from anywhere!). I do a pretty good Kermit the Frog impression. People like to rub my bald head, and I encourage it. My college frat party trick was putting my fist in my mouth. And… I’ve also always wanted to hang out with a monkey, so if you have connections in that area, that would be cool.

How the hell did we convince you to jump on this crazy train? In other words, what drew you to MFF’s style of crazytown and made you think, “Gee… I should work here!”

I was already on the train, so I figured I might as well help figure out where the hell it’s heading.

But seriously, life is short. I had the opportunity to put my talents and energy into a community that means the world to me. In this role, I get to work with some of the most passionate and caring people I know. They embrace ridiculousness, but also have a deep commitment to their knowledge and mastery of their craft.

I get to serve Ninjas, a family of folks who are trying to get better everyday. MFF is like a magnet for some of the most awesome people in New York. They come to the Clubhouse with a desire to get healthier and hotter. Some arrive as super-fit Broadway athletes and others have never stepped foot in a gym. And, everyone is welcome. At MFF, Ninjas soon learn that making a commitment to taking care of our bodies is a gateway for learning how to live our best lives. I have the honor of helping these amazing people on their journey by creating the best Enchanted Ninja Clubhouse of Glory and Dreams that we can possibly be.

How could I possibly pass up on this opportunity? I didn’t really even have a choice.

What has you most excited about your new gig with MFF?

I’ve received so much from the Mark Fisher Fitness staff over the past three years as a Ninja. So, its really cool to have the opportunity to return the favor and support them. MFF is already a very special place to work, but that’s not enough. I want us to be one of the most awesome companies to work for on the entire freakin’ planet, so I am totally jazzed to be a part of creating that reality for every employee we have.

I also like that I can drop my pants at any time. At work. Seriously.

Anything else you’d like to share with the Ninjas?

I’m just so freaking excited to be here. This is your Clubhouse. This is your family. We are here for you. So, reach out to me. Let me know how we can get better.

I am also available for hugs. Lots of hugs.


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