How Do You Stay Fit While on the Road?

Please enjoy the third in a new article series from the Franchise himself currently running as a blog on

This is a great question, and one I can relate to.

When I was an actor, I didn’t do much in the way of traditional touring. And I actually found doing a regional theater production was a great way to really focus on my fitness goals because I didn’t have the distractions of my regular life. These days I travel a LOT for work, so I’m finally able to relate to both actors in touring productions, and anyone who has to travel a lot because of their job.

While it’s definitely a bit tougher to stay on top of your fitness while on the road, it can be done!

The key here is to make sure you’re staying active. Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good! Based on your situation and how long you’re staying in a location, you may be able to find a gym nearby that allows you to access as much equipment as you like.
Alternatively, many hotels have at least decently equipped modest gyms for guests to use.

And in a worst case scenario, if you’re short on time, money, or just don’t have any other options, don’t underestimate just how effective a bodyweight workout can be. (If you’re looking for some guidance here, check out, Mark Fisher Fitness’s online home. You’ll get access to streaming HD workouts with yours truly and MFF’s Broadway Ninjas as guest stars.)

In addition to training, don’t forget about two other important components; nutrition and sleep. Since we can’t out train our diet, don’t be shy about asking for substitutions when going out to eat. Most restaurants will be able to serve you a big serving of protein and veggies upon request.

And sleeping can be tough on the road for many of us. Considering downloading a white noise app to your phone and do your best to turn off the TV and computer at least an hour before going to sleep. For more advanced sleeping strategies, check out this article here.

By applying these strategies for training, eating, and sleeping, you’ll be able to keep up with your health and hotness goals, even when on the road!

Want to learn more? Click here to get our free report, The 5 Most Common Fitness Mistakes Performers Make. (HINT: Many of these apply to non-performers too!)


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