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Read the latest MFF news
Our tribe wants to support us, and when we let them in on what’s going on in our lives, we allow them to do that. It is a gift for both sides.
I was never so grateful for my workouts than after I got injured. As it turns out, the best prescription involves getting strong PRE-injury. Here are 5 reasons why.
About a year ago, I realized that my mirror made me feel a little bit bad. So I did something about it. Here are 3 steps you can take to cultivate a positive body image of self-love in your home!
Ready to take a deep dive into benefiting your future self? Today we’ll be chatting about the benefits of using a heart rate monitor to monitor workouts and track progress, why we’re using heart rate monitors as part of our brand-spankin’-new class called Heart and Swole, and why we’re adding this new class and technology to the mix to help you get 1% better.
Strategy can be a really great tool, but will not determine our success. We do. And most of us don’t really know that our unconscious mind, conditioning, and past pain are actually driving 90% of what we do.
How can you find out how strong you are if you don’t venture a little outside of your comfort zone? Success is born out of failure.
Weight gain on vacation isn’t necessarily a big deal. If it happens to you, don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom. The majority of vacation weight gain can be attributed to three primary factors.
Wondering what part of your body to give some TLC to on your next date with your foam roller or lacrosse ball? Here are the top 5 muscles or groups we get asked about most frequently!
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