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While I’m mostly known for making people hot as fuck, my true defining life interest is exploring the nature of optimal human experience.  I LOVE fitness, but I also LOVE the arts (specifically theater).  I believe they both have the power to transform and improve people’s lives.  While these happen to be the areas I find myself drawn to, I think seeking happiness is always the fundamental goal behind virtually any human endeavor. 
I read a lot of books.  Like… a LOT of books.  Like a fuck ton of books (… I just counted, and I’ve read 28 books in the past two months.  Yes I count.  No I don’t usually read that many.  No that doesn’t even count Game of Thrones.  Yes I’m a nerd.).   I read mostly non-fiction, and I cast a pretty wide net as I’m obsessed with the human experience, and I’m so curious about just about everything that it practically hurts.
One of the most underappreciated elements of good program design is variation of intensity.  In layman’s terms, most days you want to train hard, some days you want to take it easy, and some days you want to leave a pancreas on the floor.
A lot of people tend to weight train symmetrically.  And this is definitely not wrong.  Trust me, I love me some deadlifts.  I also have no problems with (WELL EXECUTED) squats and bench presses.  In fact, I kind of love barbells in general (that’s why we have a barbell club*).  But if we’re seeking optimal results, we want to make sure we’re including exercises where we are loading one side of the body at a time.*we don’t really have a barbell club.  But we do have a flag.Flags are super cool.Doing things with one arm or one leg at a time is a great way to spice it up and challenge your body in a different way.  Particularly your core musculature.  Although many folks still train their abs using antiquated methods (seriously, STOP DOING SIT-UPS, they’re hurting you), it’s important to appreciate that the primary function of the core musculature is to RESIST movement, not create it.Want an awesome ab exercise?  Do a one-arm dumbbell bench press and try to prevent your body from doing funny things on the bench.  I promise you will feel your abs working in a different (as well as safer and arguably more beneficial) way.Or how about the humble but mighty split squat?  Because your legs are asymmetrical, you’ll have to be diligent to keep your torso upright and avoid twisting.  Once you’ve got that hammered down, trying holding one dumbbell.  Ooooooh… now we’re REALLY having fun.  Perhaps one of my favorite core and conditioning exercise is something called a suitcase carry.  It works like this: grab a heavy ass dumbbell or kettlebell.  Now go for a walk, but stay upright and maintain excellent posture.  Fun, right?!  In addition to training your core, these bad boys will do great things for your grip strength, and performed for long sets, they can be an effective part of a conditioning or fat loss regime.  So simple.  So effective.  So hateful.  You’re welcome.By challenging your core to maintain a neutral alignment while loading the body asymmetrically, you also do really good things to keep your back healthy.   Everybody loves a properly functioning quadratus lumborum!!  (You TOTALLY have a quadratus lumborum.  In fact you have two.)So if you’re bored as shit with doing everything symmetrically, try doing things with one arm or one leg at a time, as well as loading the body asymmetrically.  Not only will this spice up your life, but it’ll help keep your core strong and your back healthy.  BOOM.
And now… if I may… a short rant!
If you’re one of those people who thinks that “exercise just isn’t for you,” I would lovingly suggest that you are wrong. You probably won’t love it at first, but with the right attitude, the right support, and a little bit of patience, you’ll be kicking fitness ass in no time!
Introducing the newest addition to the Mark Fisher Fitness Team… Mr. John O’Mahoney - Fitness Ninja and Bodywork Wizard (yup, that means massage kids!). Mark sat down with John for a little interview - enjoy!
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