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Do you ever feel a little uneasy walking into the gym? Does it feel unnatural to take ownership over the weights section? It doesn't have to be that way! Elizabeth Stacey explains...
From boxing to rowing, yoga and kettlebells, to everything in between, Chris Crowthers has been on a mission for the last eight months to figure out what makes a good fitness class great. Here's what he found.
Setting goals gives us something to strive for in life. But sometimes achieving those goals becomes impossible because we're stuck in a close-up view. It's time to start thinking big picture.
Try hard as we might to eat right, most people can’t figure out exactly what the hell “right” even means anymore. Here are 14 facts about nutrition that we know, that you can use to craft a well-balanced diet.
Creating long-term, sustainable change in your life isn't easy, but it's the only way to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Here are 3 steps to kickstart your journey to personal growth and help you embrace the art of possibility.
Historically, moms-to-be were advised to stop exercising when they became pregnant. But recent studies have proven the benefits and utility of staying fit while baby's on the way. Ninjamoms, here's how you should stay active while waiting for Ninjakid to arrive, and what you should look out for.
There are a lot of diets out there, but not all are created equal. And even fewer are actually able to be implemented long-term! In this article, Landen Jones breaks down the guiding principles and overall sustainability behind the paleo diet, juice cleanses, the Master Cleanse, intermittent fasting, and the Whole30.
Muscle is a beautiful, powerful thing. Yet many women are terrified that lifting weights will make them look bulky. Here are four common misconceptions about ladies who lift, and why strength is sexy no matter who you are.
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