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Read the latest MFF news
by Fitness Ninja Liz Messina At MFF, there is a lot of talk about the “elegant boner” spine (Watch This!). We like to use ridiculous phrases like “porn star”, “sad dog”, “care bear stare”, “rib cage boner” and of course the “high school wrestler” (Watch This!) to make it easy to achieve a neutral spine.  I know … I know, these are highly “scientific” terms and it is understandable that sometimes you may wonder why the hell we make such a big deal out of finding your neutral spine. So, let’s break this baby down and learn why a neutral spine is important not only for health and hotness, but will also improve your mood, brain function, joint health, and sex (meeeooowwwww)… oh, and did I say hotness?
by Michael Keeler, Business Wizard, Life & Business Coach
By Ninja Master, Mark Fisher SHOES!  Shoes.
Creating results is easier than creating habits to maintain those results. You have to stick around to see the big win. It’s about the consistency. The repetition. About compounding that interest every day.
by Ninja Master Mark Fisher Like that annoying couple you know, MFF has many anniversaries. 
by Brian Patrick Murphy, Hotness Expert, Life Coach, Manimal One recent Saturday morning,  I got on my usual N train from Astoria to head to the lovely MFF Clubhouse of Dreams. As I sat down on the train, my attention was immediately drawn to an actor sitting across from me, aggressively learning his lines from the sheet of paper in front of him. My mind flooded with memories. That could have been me. The thousands of auditions and call-backs and desperate feelings of needing a job. Feeling scared, anxious, excited, nervous and every other damn feeling that went along with all of it. For a moment I opened my eyes on the train and  felt thankful. Thankful that I didn’t have to - that I chose not to - do this anymore.
by MFF Life Coach Joel Readance Fellow Ninjas -
by Ninja Master Mark Fisher “I’m just… I’m just SO embarrassed.”
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